When you receive your cookware for the first time and take it out of the box, make sure to immerse it in hot soapy water with 1 C white vinegar . Scrub well all over with a sponge. It takes the manufacturing oil off along with the polishing compounds used to make it shiny and new! Once you do this, you will never have to do it again. If you don’t do this and you heat your cookware, it will turn a golden yellow and things will tend to stick to it.
Category Archives: Helpful Hints
What to do if your food is sticking to the pan
Are your foods sticking?
- Always use a stainless turner to flip foods over. Nonstick utensils tend to melt at a lower heat and therefore it’s your turner, not your pan.
- Have you cooked your meats long enough? Initially when you put your meat in a preheated pan it should stick while it’s searing. Give it a little more time and it will easily release.
- Did you overheat your pan before adding your food? Take the pan off the burner for a minute and resume your cooking.
- Are you covering the pan to allow the moisture to stay in your food? Even while frying chicken without the oil, it’s best to keep the lid on the pan. Meats will still brown nicely.
What to do if you are burning food
Having trouble burning things? This could be why:
- Check your heat, probably starting too high or leaving on higher heat too long.
- Preheating pan too long before adding meats to the pan. If you flick water in the pan, it should bead up and roll around like a marble; if it sizzles it’s still not preheated hot enough. If the water turns color, it’s like burning the minerals from the water in the pan…way too hot! Just take the pan off the burner for one minute and resume.
- Preheating a pan to cook fresh vegetables. Start with a cold pan and then start your burner on medium heat. When the lid spins, turn down to low and make sure the lid stays loose. If it sticks on, your burner is too low.
Organize your cookware!
A very clever customer showed me how to organize your new detachable handles keeping them in pristine shape. Thank you , Darryl and Jane G. for letting me share a great idea!
I’m hoping that you will become much better at using your waterless cookware after reading our blog. It’s easy and you don’t have to be afraid of hurting your cookware. After all, you bought the best! You shouldn’t have to worry about hurting it!
Happy to help you any way we can!
Getting started with Waterless Cooking
Now that you have waterless cookware, don’t be afraid to try it out! You can’t hurt the pan by cooking, so let’s get started. We are here to help you understand your new (or been around awhile) cookware and help you become proficient at using it!
Cooking eggs without water
In order to hard cook eggs without water, you first use a quadrupled very dripping wet paper towel to the bottom of your saucepan. Add your eggs and lid and start burner on medium. When the lid gets hot, turn down to low. I usually cook my eggs 14-18 minutes and then run ice water over them to cool them. The eggs will peel easier that way!