Quotes from a great chef, Thomas Keller

“Patience is really important, being patient with yourself. Learning some skills, learning how to use a knife, learning how to chop vegetables, learning how to roast a chicken, learning how to season, learning the importance of all these things that are going to impact your final result. Don’t think about the final result. Enjoy the process. Cooking is a process. Cooking should be fun. If you don’t get it right the first time, you know, don’t think you are a failure. If you do get it right the first time, you’re probably lucky or you’re a really good cook. Patience and persistence are really important in that process.” Thomas Keller from myrecipes.com

This is so true and it really puts cooking into perspective. Cooking is fun! Everyone enjoys a good meal and practice makes the meals better each time. I believe cooking is like building something…measuring, balancing, leveling and completing a project. Anyone can become skillful with patience and practice. Eating our mistakes sometimes becomes a favorite recipe!

“Farm to Table” in my opinion is cooking at home. So many restaurants get canned vegetables, prepared foods and heat them up for you. Not all, but I figure that if someone else can make it and it can be made, than so can I! If you have a favorite dish you love at your local restaurant, learn to make it yourself. It will be healthier because that is true “Farm to Table.”

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